I've heard back from all 11 teams in the 38 division. Each team named 3 All-Stars. In the case of absences, teams are free to send an alternate. These are the results (please forgive any misspelled names):
ORIOLES: Mike Kravitz Mark Lenox Tony Nardacci
PIRATES: Richie Knaupp Ron Smaka Mike Kane
MARLINS: Randy Craft Mike Girard Jim Ansel
BLUE JAYS: Dan Maguire Greg Goettsche Al Luciano
KNIGHTS: Billy Smith Harry Fergusan Jack Perry
ROCKETS: Kenny Zimmer Joe Burns Manny Voss
YANKEES: Jim Keegan Scott Card Brian Mussela
HIGHLANDERS: Don Dunham T.J. Scorsone John Kalinski
PEPPERS: Todd Calhoun Ed Obertussing Matt Leining
A's: Alex Marin Ed Class Wayne Newcombe
HUMMINGBIRDS (these names are not 100% final): Jim Connelly Jim LaTour Earl Mitchell
* * * * *
Congratulations, guys. Top of my head, I can easily think of at least 10 additional guys who are equally deserving. I heard from many managers that it was extremely difficult to narrow the number down to three.
For the record, the concept is to divide this group into halves with team members often pitted against team members. Once that's finalized, the team rosters will be posted here as well. Look forward to seeing you play on the 3rd at New Scotland, noon game time.
NOTE: If you can't attend, please notify your manager who will then select and alternate.
And don't forget: BBQ and League Awards immediately after. Whatever you can contribute, food or beverage, will be appreciated.