Behind the strong pitching of Richie Knaupp, the Pirates diced the Peppers by a score of 10-1. Richie's shutout bid was spoiled with two outs in the seventh on a sharp single by Boudreau.
Hitting stars for the Bucs were Bob Yakatan and Ron Smaka (2 hits each), plus timely contributions from Pete Zamory, Greg Johnson, and Carlo Agneta. But this was a complete team effort.
The Peppers had played 5 or 6 games in 7 days, and looked a little beaten up to these eyes. As always, they played hard and with class; it just wasn't their day. To add injury to insult, on the last play of the game Herb Carter went down with a badly injured ankle on a close play at first. Hopefully he'll be okay. A tough way to end the season.